Selling Lvl 65 2nd UH lots of rares

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Worlds Accounts | Buy AQW Accounts' started by evilsould, 10/3/15.

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  1. evilsould

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    =/>60 €
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    Hi there...i've been playind aqw for a lot of time and i'd like to sell my account.

    Almost all the items are rare, special offer or AC

    Three account is valuable in more than 100€ but i sell it for 60€

    The bank items are the following:


    1.Akriloth's Oblivion Blade
    2.Ascended Avatar's Blade (Special Offer)
    3.Base DaiDoji Katana
    4.Begemmed Blade (Rare)
    5.Blade of the Mount (Rare)
    6.Blinding Rage Katana (Special Offer)
    7.Chainfire Blade (Special Offer) (Rare)
    8.Cyber Dark Dragon's Rage (Special Offer)
    9.Dark Legend Sword
    10.Doom Ophidian Blade (Rare)
    11.Draconic Fury (Legend) (Special Offer)
    12.Dragon Khan Blade (Special Offer) (Rare)
    13.Flaming Moose Katana (Rare)
    14.Fluid Chaos's Sword (Rare)
    15.Gilded Blade of Champions
    16.Hebi Twintana (Special Offer) (Rare)
    17.Lost Blade of Thagnul
    18.Molten Destruction Blade (Rare)
    19.Onyx Star Sword (Rare) (Upholder)
    20.Sanctified Sword
    21.Synderes' Blade of Shadows
    22.Underworld Sword (Rare)
    23.Underworld Sword of Loyalty (Rare)
    24.Zhilo's Axe (Special Offer)
    25.Accessory DaiDoji Dual Katanas
    26.Alchemist's Dual Reapers (Rare)
    27.Azure Flaming Fists
    28.Base DaiDoji Dual Katanas
    29.Daggers of Guiding
    30.Daggers of the Forsaken (Rare)
    31.Doom Dynamite (Rare)
    32.DoomFlame Rapier (Rare)
    33.DragonFable Destiny Sword (Rare)
    34.Dual Blades of the Forsaken (Rare)
    35.Dual Blazing Chaos Blades (Special Offer)
    36.Dual Shadow Fangs (Special Offer)
    37.Frozen Fire Daggers (Rare)
    38.Guardin Hammer and Shield (Special Offer)
    39.Nobles Cinquedea (Rare)
    40.Sanctified Sword and Shield
    41.DOOMing Fork (Rare)
    42.Doom Creeper Leg (Rare)
    43.Boreas Staff (Rare)
    44.Staff Of Spades (Rare)


    1.AQW Golden Destiny Armor (Rare)
    2.Azure SpitFire
    3.Battle Tested Axe Master (Special Offer)
    4.Cretaceous Champion (Rare)
    5.Crimson Gladiator
    6.Cyber King (Special Offer)
    7.Dark Legend Armor
    8.Deathshead Destroyer
    9.Destiny Armor of Light
    10.Diamond Dueler (Rare)
    11.Doom Madness of Chaos (Rare)
    12.Doom Shadowscythe Mecha Suit (Rare)
    13.Doom Trislayer (Rare)
    14.Doomknight Battlemage (Special Offer)
    15.Dragon Hero Armor (Special Offer)
    16.Elite Asgardian (Special Offer)
    17.Gargantuan Golem (Rare)
    18.Gravelyn's Dragon Armor
    19.Highland Savage
    20.Hyper Suit of Light
    21.Interfector Deorum (Rare)
    22.Legend Armor
    23.Obsidian Assassin (Rare)
    24.Overclocked Techsuit (Special Offer)
    25.Phoenix (Special Offer)
    26.Sanctified Armor
    27.Sponzard Slayer (Special Offer)
    28.Thin Guy (Rare)
    29.VIP (Legend) (Special Offer)
    30.Vampire Slayer
    31.Vasalkar's Champion (Special Offer)
    32.Werewolf Hunter


    1.Azure SpitFire Helm
    2.Battle Tested Helm (Special Offer)
    3.CaPwn Bonnet
    4.Chunin Shadow Sedge (Rare)
    5.Cyber King Helm (Special Offer)
    6.Dark Legend Helm
    7.Diamond Dueler Short Hair (Rare)
    8.Doom Brothers Hat (Rare)
    9.Doom Trislayer Helm (Rare)
    10.DoomMage Skull (Special Offer)
    11.Dragon Hero's Helm (Special Offer)
    12.Elite Asgardian Helmet (Special Offer)
    13.Face of Chaos
    14.Gargantuan Golem Morph (Rare)
    15.Glacial Winged Helm (Rare)
    16.Gravelyn's Dragon Helm
    17.Gravelyn's Tiara
    18.Hero of Sponsors Helm (Special Offer)
    19.HeroSmash Destiny Helm (Rare)
    20.Highland Savage Armet
    21.Horned Doommage Hood (Special Offer)
    22.Hunter Helm of Light
    23.Legend Helm
    24.Lotus Helm
    25.SDF General's Helm
    26.ShadowScyte Tiara
    27.Skull Hood (Rare)
    28.The Shadow of Death Mask
    29.VIP Helm (Special Offer) (Legend)
    30.Zealith Reaver Helm
    31.Zhilo Hairstyle (Special Offer)


    1.Astral Shadow Wings (Rare)
    2.Dark Legend Wings
    3.Doomknight Battlemage Cape (Special Offer)
    4.Drakath Wings
    5.Glyph of Clubs (Rare)
    6.Gravelyn's Dragon Cape
    7.Legend Wings
    8.Shadow Dragon Morph Wings (Rare)
    9.Shadow Duplicate (Rare)
    10.Sinister Cobalt Wings (Rare)
    11.Synderes' Cape of Doom (Rare)
    12.Tentacles of the Doom Overlord (Rare)
    13.Wings of the Fallen Aranx (Rare)
    14.Zealith Reaver Wings


    1.Amethyst Flame Unicorn (Rare)
    2.Clawg (Special Offer)
    3.Matrix Conduit Katana Pet (Special Offer)
    4.PaladinSlayer Daimyo (Special Offer)
    5.Sir Liest (Legion)

    And also lots of boosts :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Old King

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    Trade for my cc account?
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  3. OP

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    i sell it not trade XD
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