Selling my TR This account is a perfect end game TR for those looking to do high damage in PVP and PVE. Total cost of all the gear at current ah rates - 2-3Million ad. Enchants: Perfect Vorpal -12-15 Million Greater Soulforge - 3-4 Million Radiant Rank 9 - 2-3 Million Radiant rank 8 - 500-700k (x6) Dark rank 8 - 500-700k (x5) The account also comes with Nightmare Inferno Mount, Stone companion and much much more... For those who may be interest (serious offers only) Please feel free to PM me or contact me via skype - xpaalan. Happy hunting! - - - Updated - - - Also for any that are interested feel free to contact me about my 60 CW full bis gear, and my PVP Gwf with full tenes. Bump bump bump bump how much? Willing to Sell Stripped NOW! PM me for Offers/ add me on skype - xpaalan bump I would buy your account and everything for $40? Interested in price PM'd. Cannot reply due to your box being full.