Hello after thinking for a while. I realized that I do not enjoy the game anymore so I would like to sell my account. My account can reach top 5 on my current group. It can do some 7* connects as well. Here is a list of units that my account has Fully orbed Luca-5* Sylva-5* Frey-5* Noa-5* Alice-5* Almost fully orbed Materia-5* Sol-4* Amateratsu-5* Ulin-4* Sasha-3* Odin-5* Tholin-5* Killi-5* Hirst-5* Christmas sol-5* Just purple frame Thor-5* Niji-3* Tinker-3* Mona-3* Ranco-3* Clarice-3* Lamina-5* If you have any questions feel free to pm me. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service