Hi, I nearly start this game when it first released (more than 2 years ago), and I want to sell my account. p.s. I nearly spent $1500 on this account so I am asking a reasonable price for it. (BSI -> LSI) Stats (will be varied due to LTs) Energy 320 + 29 Stamina 581 + 54 Attack 2459 + 238 Defense 1000 + 80 Health 300 + 28 Rank: Mastermind 22 Class Power: Veteran 6 Assassin lvl 6 BackStab *3 Cripple *3 Poison *1 (useless skill for me) Frenzy *3 Slayer *3 Opportunist *3 Decapitate *3 Cunning *3 Payback *3 Evasion *3 Sniper lvl 2 Headshot *3 Armor Piercing *3 Unfinished Job Area : SoCal, Colombia, France, Mexico, Las Vegas, Japan ( Due to my Energy) Total Income: $512,750/hr + $46,147/hr Properties Financial Center 5/10 Las Vegas Strip 5/10 Mega Casino 5/10 Ultra Yacht 5/10 Colosseum 5/10 Castle 5/10 Bar 3/3 Restaurant 19/19 Condo 19/19 Night Club 19/19 Mansion 19/19 Casino 19/19 Caribbean Island 19/19 Safe House 9/10 Space Program 8/9 Fortress 9/9 Science Facility 9/9 Dojo 9/9 Defense Facility 8/8 War Factory 8/8 Bio Lab 9/9 Airport 9/9 Stock Market Exchange 9/9 Hospital 10/10 Construction Company 10/10 Real Estate Agency 10/10 Arms Factory 10/10 Personal Armory 10/10 Boxing Gym 10/10 Free Recharge Packs: Energy: 25 Stamina: 18 Lieutenants: Lady Vice *3 Col.Zhukov *3 King *3 Duke *3 Irina *2 ISIS *1 Natalia *2 Six *2 The Baron *2 Sin *1 Diablo *2 Skull King *2 ------------------------------------------------- Patch *1 Ronin *1 Ariel *2 Stacy *3 Sophia *2 Wraith *2 Chromium *1 Palladium *2 Boris *2 Kate *1 Scarlet *4 Hannibal *1 Alpha *2 Porsche *1 Dragon Lee *1 Fox *2 Caine *3 Tagg *2 Preacher *2 Boulder *1 Mortar *4 Arya *4 --------------------------------------------------------- Victoria Vanderbelt *3 Malina *4 Anson *1 Scorpion *6 Buster *3 Eve Armstrong *4 Brutus *5 Nightshade *4 Edge *5 Miss Conduct *2 Trix *3 Ghost *1 Nautica *3 Helios *1 Shun *4 Shadow *3 Blink *2 Pain *4 Arrow *3 Lucas *3 Walker *3 Seven *3 Hector *3 Tony *4 Michael *3 Kunoichi *1 Hotwire *1 Brainiac *1 --------------------------------------------------------------- Hansel *1 Gretel *3 The Saw *3 Rocky *3 Blade *3 Cesar *2 Charmaine *4 Penelope *5 Donovan *4 Hydra *5 Cerberus *5 Manic *5 Chimera *5 Officer Mike *4 Spider *4 Razor *5 Colt *1 Lotus *2 Fang *7 Mia *6 AK *6 Hammer *2 John *6 TechLab: The Leviathan 4 High Tech Panzer 3 SS 69:Thunder 2 Retrofitted Apache 15 I think I put everything I need it here. Don't reply here, Line me on "scrow00" or email "[email protected]".