Selling LvL 59 name: cyber-attack in android 851/1788...

Discussion in 'Boom Beach Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Dharma Nepal, 8/28/16.

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  1. Dharma Nepal

    Dharma Nepal
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    LvL 59 name: cyber-attack in android 851/1788 experience level Name change: No Diamonds:8100 Power powder: 620 all green and purple stones salvaged and ice and red stones are remaining approx 100-150 power powder can be gained more. Prototypes: Critical fuse-182 Complex gear-199 Power rod-207 Field capacitor-185 Full offensive base Except rifleman, heavies,cryoneer, grenadier, scorcher all troops and everything maxed in armory even all mines maxed. All buildings maxed quary,sawmill,iron mine,residence,stroages,gunboat,sculpture, vault, statue storage, radar, armory, submarine, weapon lab, 5 landing crafts maxed and 3 landing crafts level 21. Red statues Troops health masterpiece-30% Troops damage masterpiece-31% Troops damage guardian-13% Dark purple statues Resource reward masterpiece-49% Gunboat energy masterpiece-41% Gunboat energy guardians-16+16+16+15+15=78% Total gunboat energy=119% Can take down Dr.Terror level 7 every time and war factory is destroyed fully every time and Lt.Hammerman till stage 5 defended every time sometime stage 6 also defended. Price- 600$ (# slightly) Some screenshots are given in comment section. Please free to contact in Facebook., gmail-id: [email protected] Viber And Whatsapp number: 919008521559
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