Selling Lvl. 54 Account - IGN: LEIVOR - COMPLETE 7K &...

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Roviel Manfre Muldong, 7/28/16.

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  1. Roviel Manfre Muldong

    Roviel Manfre Muldong
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    Lvl. 54 Account - IGN: LEIVOR - COMPLETE 7K & LORDS - ASIAN SERVER $1 - San Fernando Pampanga Philippines KINDLY CHECK IGN FOR INTERESTED BUYER. - COMPLETE 7K and LORD - LVL 40 HEROES (complete equipment +5): Guanyu, Daisy, Lina, BlackRose, MingMing, Shane, Ruri, Evan, Verika, -LVL 38 - Rachel, 38 - Ace & 36 - Eileene, the rest lvl 30. -Check attached image(not yet updated) for keys, ruby, gold and topaz PM me your offer. PAYMENT METHOD - PAYPAL or any available payment method on Philippines.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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