Hey everyone, I've been playing this account for some time and unfortunately don't have enough time to keep playing, so I'm looking to sell! My buy-it-now price is 150 € , though I am open to offers. Account Overview: Account Level: 490 Max Stamina: 279, 558 with overfill. Rainbow Gems: 3 Box Space: 931/950 Rayleigh Points: 64432 Medal Exchange Tokens: 188 Rumble Tickets: 137 Forbidden Tomes: 5808 and around 100+ books for each socket. ATK Cotton Candy: limit: +160 ; total: 801 HP Cotton Candy: limit: +160; total: 896 RCV Cotton Candy: limit: +160, total: 888 LEGENDS: I have rainbowed some very important and powerful legends and you can see on the checklist. Pirate Rumble: This is the team I run on attack: Every unit has rumble abilities maxed In addition I also have the following rumble scrolls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want a screenshot of the rest of my box, let me know. I'm looking for a headache-free transaction. This will be my first time selling ownership of a virtual account. Again, my buy-it-now price is 150 €, but feel free to make offers. Transaction will be made through paypal, if you want a middleman you must provide a reliable one and pay any fees. Also, if it helps ease any nerves, I am able to stream the hand-off of the account if anyone feels unsure about the transaction! Again the price is #, don't be afraid to post an offer.