Sold Lvl 46 Mystic 529+gs - EU Andromeda Vulpin

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Automatter, 11/24/21.

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  1. Automatter

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    WTS Mystic | Level 46 | 529+ iLVL
    Server EU Andromeda - Vulpin Faction

    LVL 46 Mystic main
    LVL 42 Mystic alt
    LVL 36 Mystic alt

    You get full access to the account and email, I am the original owner.

    Mana Lvl: 33
    Honor points: 45k +
    255 Skill Points
    almost 2kk gold
    Tier 4 Altar Luminous Yellow
    Runes: (Red: 13 Blue: 49 Yellow: 33 Green: 13 Violet: 13 Orange: 13)
    3xPVP set
    2xPVP ring+earing set

    400 loyalty points
    200 rubies
    Star Blessing (30 days) - waiting to be claimed in web...

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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