Selling LVL 45 Account - Coin Mod LVL X - Most Event Hulls...

Discussion in 'VEGA Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vega Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 3/15/16.

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  1. Vega Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    LVL 45 Account - Coin Mod LVL X - Most Event Hulls Most Event Tech Selling My LVL 45 Vega Conflict Account - This account contains the following event tech and hulls: Event Tech: Bomber Wing 1, Bomber Wing 2, Interceptor Wing 1, Metaphase Shield 1-3, Armored Hold 1-3, Fusion Thrusters 1-3, Binery Thrusters 1-3, Creeper Torpedo 1-2, Siege Driver 1-2, Burst Ray 1-3, Aurora Ray 1-3. Vector Torpedo 1-3, Wave Driver 1-3, Bomber Squadron 1 & 3, Interceptor Squadron 1-3, Gatling Ray 1-2, Phased Mags 2, Ionized Optics 3, Spectral Warheads 2, Arrester Beam Turret 1-3, Echo Ray Turret 1-2, Sico Missle Turret 1-3, Gemini Driver 2, Net Torpedo 1-3, Arc Missile 1-3, Impulse Beam 2-3 Event Hulls: Dread, Gharial Cutter, Ragnarok Carrier, Valkyrie Carrier, Freyja Carrier, Corinthian Cruiser, Lance Destroyer, Zeal, Komodo Cutter, Python Cutter, Hurricane Frigate, Vigilante Battleship Standard Blueprints: Tiers 1-4 Completed Vsec Blueprints: All Tiers Completed 3 x Dread MK5 2 x Dread MK4 1 x Dread MK2 1 x Zeal MK4 2 x Ragnarok MK4 1 x Valkyrie MK4 1 x Freyja Carrier Tons of the other ships Fleets of Apocs MK3-4 Corthine Cruiser MK4 Lance Destroy MK3 Fury MK4 Etc ask me for specific details.
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  2. Predaking95

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    what ships you got and can i get pics of ur tech bps learned. how much u asking?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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