Selling  Android and iOS  High End Lvl 40 Vip 60 High end Account

Discussion in 'Vikings War of Clans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lukas12488, 6/22/23.

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  1. Lukas12488

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    My Location:
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    About the account:
    21 maxed Town skins (with the standard skins 32)
    All Research maxed
    6 Hero Skins
    Vip 60
    Every Max Equipment and Gems needed for Spy, Fortress and Ranged, Training and Gathering
    All shamens Lvl 60
    All achivments maxed exept Amongst the strongest, King of the north, Olympia lvl4, Madness and Velor lvl 9, Sisyphus lvl 14
    Helheim done
    Huge amount of Boosts
    All Buildings Lvl 40
    Good Kill stats (1,3T Warriors lost, ** Warriors destroyed)
    90M Tasks

    Ressorces on the account:
    20,5B Gold
    31,6M Runics
    6,4M Mark of Resolve
    52M Star shards
    2.000 Drakkar
    ~600.000 Weeks worth of Boosts
    60T Food
    9T Wood
    65T Iron
    133 T Silver

    If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Screenshot 2023-06-22 131523.png
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    Screenshot 2023-06-22 131737.png
    #1 Lukas12488, 6/22/23
    Last edited: 6/25/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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