Hey Guys, Sadly my bit heroes experience will come to an end soon and i just wont have any time at all to play. Here's the Inventory: Consumables: 1x Ultragor (+1000% Item Find/Gold/Exp/Capture Rate/Speed - 12 hour duration) 1x Beachgor (+250% Item Find/Gold/Exp/Capture Rate/Speed - 168 hour duration) 2x Bubgor (+250% Item Find/Gold/Exp/Capture Rate/Speed - 72 hour duration) 4x Super Scroll (+150% Item Find/Gold/Exp/Speed - 24 hour duration) 1x Capture Rate Tome (Capture Rate +200%) And Heres what i did not get to use: 54x Plaque Of Badges (increases current badges by 50) 25x Shard Basket (Increases current shards by 20) 15x Token Duffle (Increases current tokens by 50) 5x Ticket Roll (Increases current tickets by 50) 3x Bubblin' Cauldron (Creates 1 Leg enchant from current zone) Leg Pet : Dumglim +2 Leg Acc: Transcendence +2 3.5% Empower Mount (Spomder) 4/4 Upgrade 4% Dual Strike Mount (Deano) 2/4 Upgrade Price is # (but no endless #) Accepting Offer through Paypal only If Interested Contact me on Discord: AbrahamHughes#6242