Selling lvl 35 account they will only have access to the...

Discussion in 'War Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chance Smith, 3/6/14.

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  1. Chance Smith

    Chance Smith
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    lvl 35 account they will only have access to the kixeye account the Facebook. is shutdown and not to be accessed. event units/ levels: air: reaper drone lvl 9 elite warhawk lvl 6 halcyon lvl 1 hellstorm lvl 10 condor lvl 5 havoc lvl 1 ground: elite rhino lvl 1 elite humvee lvl 2 honey badger lvl 6 elite gats lvl 11 shock tank lvl 2 flak tank lvl 8 FAV lvl 11 elite lazer lvl 5 elite HF lvl 9 elite mega lvl 9 behemoth lvl 5 enforecer lvl 1 infintry: elite riflemen lvl 11 elite heavy gunners lvl 11 stinger lvl 7 shock trooper lvl 9 colosuss lvl 1 gladiator lvl 5 attack dogs lvl 8 other units: air: wing drones lvl 10 coper drones lvl 3 cobra lvl 5 thunderbolt lvl 9 raptor lvl 1 ground: jack rabbit lvl 1 rocket buggy lvl 2 razor back lvl 8 paladin lvl 3 suicide lvl 1 chalenger lvl 5 infintry: mortar lvl 11 flame lvl 11 suicide lvl 11 sniper lvl 9 hercules lvl 4 missiles: griffin lvl 2 burner lvl 1 tomahawk lvl 1 skybolt lvl 1 buildings: energy 3 lvl 10 energy 1 lvl 6 storage all 11 lvl 10 oil pumps/metal makers random levels turret heads Mg /mortar/ plasma/ laser/ rocket/ cryo lvl 5 flak lvl 3 watch towers 3X lvl 5 watch tower 1X lvl 6 CC lvl 6 all platforms lvl 4 with lvl 5 turret heads air hanger lvl 5 missile silo lvl 8 barracks lvl 9 gogo lvl 5 drone silo lvl 6 some walls lvl 8 not alot though only one thorium storage rest of the buildings should be fully upgraded add me on this Facebook. if you have any questions make an offer
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  2. OP
    Chance Smith

    Chance Smith
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    fairly old account NEVER CHEATED ON IT ID: 8202718
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  3. OP
    Hunter Zytkowicz

    Hunter Zytkowicz
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    Chance pm me im intreste
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  4. OP
    Hunter Zytkowicz

    Hunter Zytkowicz
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  5. OP
    Chance Smith

    Chance Smith
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    message went to your "other folder"
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