lvl 32 gunz account with prems 5$

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hi imselling a nice Ijji gunz account xd its 5$pay pal so tell me if u want

    lvl 32-male-Gun Rebulic Full-Dark Karma-Iron Crow SHotty-Iron crow Machiene Gun.

    Lvl 23 Fem-Full Iron Crow-Military Hat-

    lvl 12-Male

    lvl 6-male

    all prems are unlimited ....soooo 5$paypal and cya later xd

    if u need proof just tell me...

    Whats the k/d off both off them?

    Id happily take it off your hands?

    ummm...k/d isnt good...i think lvl 32 might be around 30% and the 23 around 45%....and by take off my hands u mean free?

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