Selling LvL 30, Godpack, 44 Skin, 14 VP, 510 Gem, 60€ paypal+middleman

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Rippner, 3/25/17.

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  1. Rippner

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    WHY 60€? well, 99% other account in sell are scam so it is a good price for me. I already sold my main, so im a trust smite account seller
    Payment with paypal+middleman
    Please don't waste my time

    Agni: Swagni, Encore
    Ah Puch: Galactic Invader
    Aphrodite: Afro-Dite, Beach Babe
    Artemis: Oak-Seer
    Awilix: Renegade
    Bacchus: Regal Reveler + VP
    Bellona: VP
    Change: Moonlight Love
    Chronos: NRG + VP
    Cupid: Loverboy, Lucky Baby Fuwa, Bizzy B + VP
    Fenrir: Frostfang
    Geb: Life's a Beach
    Guan YU: Guan Unicorn
    He Bo: Cascade
    Hercules: Hunkules + VP
    Hou YI: Sunbreaker
    Hun Batz: Shaolin Monk-ey
    Isis: Shadow
    Janus: Jandroid, JT-6000 + VP
    Kali: Skaliwag
    Kumbhakarna: Pajama Party
    Kephri: VP
    Kukulkan: Sacred Dragon, Kuku
    Loki: Ssslither
    Mercury: Captain Quick + VP
    Neith: Mischievous, Carnaval Queen
    Nike: Conqueror
    Nox: VP
    Osiris: Exalted One
    Poseidon: Dreadbeard
    Serqet: VP
    Skadi: Winter's Wrath
    Sol: Supernova
    Terra: Spriggan + VP
    Morrigan: Woodland Rogue
    Ravana: Rock From Bisrakh
    Thor: Righteous Hammer
    Vamana: Divine Protector
    Vulcan: VP
    Ymir: Obsidian Shard
    Xbalanque: Jag.rar
    Xing Tian: Indomitable

    skype: signor.vforvendetta
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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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