Selling  Android and iOS LVL 30, Drivers 29, Karts 26, Gliders 16

Discussion in 'Mario Kart Tour Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mariokarttour1, 11/6/19.

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  1. Mariokarttour1

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    I love Mario kart tour so much that i'm pretty sure i will get fired at work if i continue to play it. So for the sake of my work my wife and kids i need to sell it.
    Mario kart tour accaunt : lvl 30
    29 Drivers including spotlight drivers like:
    Metal Mario lvl 2, 800 points
    Peachette lvl 2, 800 points
    Dry Bowser lvl 2, 800 points
    King Boo lvl 2, 800 points
    And more.

    26 karts including spotlight karts like :
    B Dasher
    Bumble V
    Queen Bee
    Carrot Cart (Paris tour)
    And more.

    16 gliders including spotlight gliders like :
    Wicked wings
    And more...

    Also good information
    - Every time I was first in the tournement
    - 15 (in game cards)
    - 20 (gliders lvl up)
    - 20 (karts lvl up)
    - In a couple of days will have 43 rubies

    I'm not really sure how to sell accaunt and give it to somebody else so i would need a little help with that but any question don't be afraid to ask me on [email protected], i will answer in one hour :)

    Have a great day !
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