Selling   Lvl 29 citadel, 5 heroes, permanent VIP and many buildings unlocked

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Teliko, 11/17/18.

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  1. Teliko

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    I’m selling my citadel as I have no time anymore due to work commitments.

    Heroes - Noctis - level 76 (billions of exp in inventory, plus 1 mill Noctis medals, 1 mill Heroic Noctis medals and 99,999 mythic Noctis medals) Noctis Warp Strike is unlocked.
    Aranea - level 12 (over 40 mill exp in inventory plus 350 medals)
    Ignis - level 37 (not much exp in inventory and over 1,000 medals. Do have thousands of MP items)
    Lunafreya - level 14 (over 100k of exp in inventory)
    Prompto - level 38 (over 2 mill exp in inventory and over 4000 medals)

    Buildings - Mythic Forge (lvl 1)
    Treasury (lvl 5)
    Magitek Converter (lvl 1)
    Order of Heroes
    Mercenary Fighting Pits (lvl 4)
    Commanders Hall (lvl 1)
    Artificer’s Shop
    Guild Adventurers Hall (4 Archaean Contracts and 189 Adventurers Contracts)
    Moogle Market
    Oracle Temple (lvl 1)
    Monster Farm (lvl 3) - have chocobo, Green tonberry, yellow wyvern, cerulean spiracorn, azure spiracorn, brilliant spiracorn, shadow ronin, eclipse ronin, sapphire ronin, azure ronin, orange ronin, orchid ronin, rose ronin, azure regaltrice, shadowy master tonberry, toxic cactuar, forest cactuar, cobalt flan and pink naga. Also have many eggs that need hatching stones. I’m not sure which of these might nesters are useable without upgrading the farm again.

    Permanent boosts - 50% construction essence cost reduction
    50% construction granite cost reduction
    50% research lead cost reduction
    50% construction wheat cost reduction
    50% construction tier 2 resource cost reduction
    T1 resource production doubler
    50% research essence cost reduction
    T1 resource production capacity doubler
    50% construction lead cost reduction
    50% research granite cost reduction
    50% research coin cost reduction
    50% research wheat cost reduction
    50% construction tier 4 resource cost reduction
    50% construction coin cost reduction
    T1 resource gathering speed doubler
    50% construction tier 3 resource cost reduction
    50% construction tier 1 resource cost reduction

    VIP level - currently level 56 with billions of VIP points in inventory.

    Items -
    280 royal building chests
    254 Exalted Research chests
    104 exalted building chests
    233 royal chests
    7x choose 50k mp
    110 royal resource chest
    535 Sentinel chests
    191 exalted chests
    100 elite ascension chests
    101 exalted resource chest
    279 royal research chests
    125 divine ascension chests
    528 chief inquisitor chests
    9 glacial chests
    178 mercenary commander chest
    72 archaean chests
    117 magitek alpha chests
    81 infernian chests
    180 magebane chests
    8 hydraean chests
    9x empire expansion teleports
    8 realm of emperors teleport
    4 magitek dominion teleport
    4 neutral city invasion teleport
    9999 lightning essence
    11599 ice essence
    13699 fire essence
    9 rvr teleports
    1 realm of heroes teleport
    Over 100k royal building blueprints
    Over 1k empire expansion blueprints
    999 royal empire expansion blueprints
    999 wonder blueprints
    Over 88k royal research scrolls
    46 divine research tomes
    63 divine building building blueprints
    37 elite research tomes
    38 elite building blueprints
    212 exalted research tomes
    216 exalted building blueprints
    Plus many resources!

    I have overa billion gold and platinum and over 1 mill loyalty. Open to offers, would prefer someone make use of it rather than have it deleted.
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  3. princeash

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    What realm is this in?
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