Selling  Android and iOS Lvl 21 Ark, 26 mil. Power, Server 858

Discussion in 'Ark of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Corvus858, 3/11/19.

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  1. Corvus858

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    I am selling my 26 million ark located on server 858. All buildings are lvl 21, legacy development research is maxed, legacy battle research is 2/3rds finished. Halfway to T9. 140 pure crystalls available, 90 commemoratice coins, 2nd Anniversary Medal, 2 Mythic engines, about 40 days worth of shields, 170 random warps, 3000 Mop Up Coupons, 500 Energy Sodas, fifty 50% Off coupons and many more of the lesser types. All ark Hulls are unlocked except for Armageddon and Dawn. The account has ~3000 Shadow matter, 410 Unlimited Crystals and 1 Domestication potion, more than 2 years worth of speedups. 40 000 gold and all investments running.

    Commanders and leadership:
    1. Stella S - 55 000 leadership
    2. Bullet S - 12 000 leadership
    3. The X S - 11 000 leadership
    4. Functional commanders with 3000-3500 leadership - Golem S, Vega S, Blader S, Plasma A, Rogers A
    5. Commanders with maxed leadership ~3800 ready to be absorbed - Kakarrot S, Rocket S, Kid S, Albert S, Nekojiro S
    6. Commanders with more than the basic 800-900 leadership - Flare S (1000 leadership), Maruko S (1900), Hodoo A (1200), Cerberus S (1300)
    7. the rest of the commanders have maxed leadership outside of leadership events - 800-900: Medusa S, Coen S, Kraken S, NB-55 S, Chief S, Mary S, Jegan S, Ichiro S, Megan S, Galileo S, Sensey S, Fabiennue S, Takeda S, King S, Darrurai S, Lady and the Beast S, Thunder Ray S, Robin S, Elle x Ayr S, Luna S, Eastwood S, Axe A, Grievous A, Raiden A, Lilith A, Sodaman A, Rock A, Yuri A, Pictor A, The Exorsist A, Black A, Gilly A, Reinhardt A, Tina B
    8. Commanders still not unlocked - Echo, Elf, Fulmetal, Rayman, Rita, Moon Shadow.

    I have not absorbed commanders for some time to allow the next owner to choose the development as they please. There are about 200 tokens for release commander or get A, B, C, D commander available to the account. There are 2000 magazines ready to be distributed.

    1. Apocalyptors +30 (double jewelled) and +13; Eternal barriers +20 and 0; Devastation Helmet +30 (double jewelled); Skywalkers +20 (double jewelled), +15 jeweled, +14 jeweled and 3 more which are +13; Black Knights +20 (double jewelled), +13 (jeweled) and +13; Ghost Mask +30 and +15; Rabbit ear Headband +20; Destruction +17; Mini Death Star +23; Eye of Abyss +20 (jeweled); Body of Phoenix +15 (jeweled).
    2. Fabrication pants +18 jeweled, +12; Speed of God +22, Nixzas Arrogance +30 (double jewelled); Voltars power +20; Magiwells treasure +25 (double jewelled).
    3. 70 Super Equipment chests, 3 Nixza, 4 Voltar, 136 Strong Equipment chests.
    4. 200 unopened Jewel chests and ~220 opened jewels of all types.
    5. Gift of the Valkyrie +20 (base ~96%); Titans +20 (base ~57%), +0 (base 52,3%) and +0 (base 33%). All of the items are not bound to the account.
    6. Vintage Machine I - 5; Vintage Machine II - 9; B Intellibot - 5; Primary AI - 3; 26 Energy stones; 15 Geist Stone fragments.

    1. Infantry - T1 9 000 000, T2 170 000, T3 10 000, T4 2000, T5 4000, T6 2000, T7 2000.
    2. Walker - T1 275 000, T2 5700, T3 1000, T4 400, T5 200.
    3. Airships - T1 50 000, T2 7000, T3 400, T4 200, T5 400, T6 150.

    I try to keep the information up to date as i continue to develop the account. If you have any questions or are interested write me or find me on Discord - CoRVuS#5137.
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