About Account: Account don't have any ban or any restrictions! Riot ID can be changed Email can be changed Password can be changed Europe server, can be played from any country Level: 20 Rank: Gold IV Champions: 21 (Lee Sin, Tryndamere, Corki, Akali, Vayne, Teemo, Braum, Singed, Ezreal, Janna, Lux, Nasus, Vi, Annie, Ashe, Yasuo, Master Yi, Blitzcrank, Ahri, Garen, Jinx) Skins: 3 (Glorious Tryndamere, Worldbreaker Nasus, Commando Jarvan IV) Blue Motes: 2,186 Poro Coins: 125 Emotes: 3 Icons: 9 Icon Border: Default + 1