Selling   lvl 182acc 2x8* 16xP7* Some limited Units from Disgaea, & countless 7,6,5*

Discussion in 'Age of Ishtaria Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Contrexsus, 6/10/20.

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  1. Contrexsus

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    Hey I want to get rid of my account since i am slowly moving away from mobile games in general, I started this account in 2015 so.. there is quite some nostalgia bound to it.. especially if you go trough some of the old cards. Got also still 4 PMedals, 994AP Potions,5xHi Ap Potions, 870BP potions.4xwater crystals, 1xFire crystal. I am sure if some dedicated persons max all cards loyalty and sells them you will earn dozens of medals. I don't believe to get rich with that account but I still would appreciate some decent offers. If you want to know anything more detailed about the account just ask me.

    Here some pic of the More important part of Units
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