Selling lvl 140 archer full 2 soc. 1st owner.

Discussion in 'Conquer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/5/16.

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  1. Games

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    Hi! I want to sell lvl 140 account with not bad chi and jiang, which I am still doing. I'm the first owner of the account and I know all information about it. I know that probably you don't care about the reason of selling it, but I'm going to do that, because I have big family problem and don't have time for playing and just don't want to waste my account. Second reason is that I'm bored of this game and I don't like it anymore. So if someone is interested in any more information, please message me and I will answer your questions.

    I had a problem last time when I wanted to sell it, a guy cheated on me and wanted to use my account to check it without paying so I'm telling it right now I WON'T GO FIRST. When I will see the money I will give you all informations.

    PS. Account has 4 bound items which is: knife +6 lvl 135 -3, tower and fan both -1 +6, tower almost +7, and horse +6. Those items can be easy + by making champion's arena.

    So if someone want the account for himself not for gears, call me!
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  2. abeerzidan

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    How much !?
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