Hello, I'm selling this account for 160$ I'm selling the whole Battle.net account. Level: 115 Ranking : Platinum - 2529 Skins: Ana: Merciful; Bastion: Soot, Defense Matrix, Woodbot, Steambot; D.VA: Watermelon, White Rabbit; Genji: Cinnabar, Ochre, Carbon Fiber, Chrome, Oni; Hanzo: Sora, Cloud; Junkrat: Bleached, Rusted, Jailbird; Lùcio: Azul, Laranja; McCree: Wheat, White Hat; Mei: Heliotrope; Mercy: Celestial, Orchid; Pharah: Copper, Jackal; Reaper: Royal, Wight, Plague Doctor; Reinhardt: Brass, Cobalt, Copper, Viridian, BlackHardt; Roadhog: Stitched; Soldier-76: Russet, Smoke, Night Ops:76; Sombra: None Symmetra: Goddess Torbjorn: Cathode, Chopper; Tracer: Neon Green, Sporty, Mach T; Widowmaker: Ciel, Rose, Vert, Winter; Winston: Banana, Forest; Zarya: Brick, Dawn; Zenyatta: Earth, Ascendant, Djinnyatta; Emotes: Ana: Take a Knee; Bastion: None; D.VA: None; Genji: None; Hanzo: None; Junkrat: None; Lùcio: None; McCree: None; Mei: None; Mercy: Relax; Pharah: None; Reaper: None; Reinhardt: Flex; Roadhog: Belly Laugh; Soldier-76: None; Sombra: None; Symmetra: None; Torbjorn: None; Tracer: Spin; WidowMaker: Shot Dead, Widow's Kiss; Winston: None; Zarya: None; Zenyatta : None; Victory Poses Ana: Seated; Bastion: Pop Up; D.VA: Sitting; Genji: Kneeling; Hanzo: Confident; Junkrat: It'll freeze that way, Kneeling; Lùcio: Grooving; McCree: Over The Shoulder, Take it easy; Mei: R.I.P; Mercy: None; Pharah: None; Reaper: Menacing; Reinhardt: Legendary; Roadhog: Pointing to the sky, Thumbs Up, Tuckered Out; Soldier-76: Fist Pump; Sombra: Rising; Symmetra: Creation, Dance; Torbjorn: Sitting Pretty; Tracer: Over The Shoulder, Sitting; WidowMaker: None; Winston: Beast, The Thinker; Zarya: Casual, Flexing; Zenyatta: Balance, Harmony; Voice Lines: Ana: Justice Delivered, You know nothing Bastion: Doo-Woo, Dweet Dweet Dweet!, Sh-Sh-Sh; D.VA: GG!, I Play to win, Love D.VA, No hacks required; Genji: A steady blade, Come on!, Damn!, Let's fight!, Measure twice, cut once!, Not good enough, Simple; Hanzo: Expect nothing less, Never in doubt, Spirit Dragon; Junkrat: BRRRING!, Have a nice day!, Kaboom, Ooh shiny, Smile!, Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock; Lùcio: I'm on top of the world, I could do this all day, JACKPOT!, Not hearing that noise, To the rhythm; McCree: Happens to the best of us, I'm the quick..., I'm your huckleberry, I've got a bullet..., I tried being reasonable, Watch and learn; Mei: Hang in there, Okay!, Yay!; Mercy: I have my eye on you, On a scale of 1-10, SUPER!, Take two, Superstition; Pharah: Aerial Superiority Achieved, Flying the friendly skies, Security in my hands, Sorry but I need to jet; Reaper: If it lives I can kill it, Next, Psychopath, What are you looking at; Reinhardt: Are you afraid?, I salute you, Show you how it's done, This old dog; Roadhog: Got something to say?, Life is pain so is death, Piece of cake, Push off, Say "Bacon...", The apocalypse, Violence is the answer; Soldier-76: Get off my lawn, I've still got it, Not on my watch, What are you lookin' at?; Sombra: # the planet, Mess with the best..., Playing fair; Symmetra: Impressive, Such a lack of imagination, Welcome to my reality, Why do you struggle?; Torbjorn: A chicken out of a feather, Hard work pays off, Let's not buy the pig; Tracer: Be right back!, Keep calm, Under control, You got it; WidowMaker: A single death, Magnifique, That's how it is, To life, To death, What's an aimbot?; Winston: Curious, I do not want a banana, Natural selection, Sorry about that!, The power of science!; Zarya: I am mother russia, I will break you, No mercy, Strong as the mountain; Zenyatta: Hello, World!, I think therefore I am, We are in harmony; Sprays General: Beyond the moon, Dark title, Dìa de los muertos, Forge onward, GL HF, Jail, Logo, Lumèrico, Man and omnic, Numbani statue, Omnic rights, Out of my way, Pinata, Red O, Red X, Respect, Rise, Season I Competitor, Season II competitor, Tea time, Thanks, Victory, Well Played, You are not prepared; Ana: Gaze, Grenade, Old Soldier, Pixel, Shadow; Bastion: Action, Birdwatchers, Cannon, E54, Flight, Icon, Pixel; D.VA: B.ny, Cute, GG, Icon, Nano cola, Pixel, Power Up!, Star, Unload; Genji: Assassin, Cute, Dragon, DragonBlade, Draw, Oni, Pixel, Prepared, Ryugekiken, Shimada, Shuriken, Warrior; Hanzo: Dragon, Haori, Pixel, Sake, Seal, Spray, Stoic, Tea; Junkrat: AHHHH!, Bang bang, Firework, Icon, Kaboom!, Mad, Mine, Pixel, Wanted; Lùcio: Cute, Frog, Kambo, Mural, Scratch, Spin, Tag, Vinyl, Wave; McCree: Badge, Enigma, Icon, Noose, Pixel, Skull, Take it easy, The name's, Thumbs up, Tumbleweed, Wanted, Your face here; Mei: Blaster, Carefree, Casual, Cute, Dizzy, Pixel, Reading, Snowman, Walled; Mercy: Arrow, Halo, Pixel, Wings, Ziegler; Pharah: Concussive blast, Cute, Hieroglyph, Pixel, Scarab, Stone, Wedjat, Wrist Launcher; Reaper: Cloaked, Cute, Hellfire, Horns, Icon, Psst, Shadow step, Silent; Reinhardt: Charge, Cracks, Cute, Earthshatter, Emblem, Honor, Pixel; Roadhog: Emblem, Free pig, Hooked, Icon, License, Pixel, Popper, Wild Hog; Soldier-76: American Hero, Cute, Helix, Icon, Jacket 76, Muzzle, Old soldier, Salute; Sombra: Eyes, Illusive; Symmetra: Architect, Blueprint, Caution, Icon, Projector, The path, Vaswani, Vishkar, Will; Torbjorn: Fix it up, Forged, Icon, Ironclad, Kanon, Molten Core, Run!, Turrets; Tracer: Cavalry's here, Cheers, Confident, Icon, Lena, Orange, Pixel, Poster, Salute, Shaded; WidowMaker: Blood, Emblem, In my sights, No one escapes, Pixel, Sniper, Widow; Winston: Baby, Harold, PB, Research, White, Wow; Zarya: Cannon, Cute, Defender, Icon, Pixel, Surge, We are strong, Wrestle; Zenyatta: Aura, Balance, Contemplative, Enlightened, Fist bump, Hand, Orbs, Taunt, Tekhartha; Highlight Intros Ana: None; Bastion: Bullet Rain; D.VA: Meka Activated; Genji: None; Hanzo: Backflip, Superior; Junkrat: None; Lùcio: None; McCree: None; Mei: Skating around; Mercy: None; Pharah: Barrage; Reaper: None; Reinhardt: None; Roadhog: None; Soldier-76: None; Sombra: None; Symmetra: Dance; Torbjorn: In your face; Tracer: None; WidowMaker: None; Winston: None; Zarya: None; Zenyatta: None; Gold Weapons Genji PM for info