Selling  Android and iOS  High End Lvl 115, Lord 5, Merger 832 + Middleman

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shamukk, 6/5/22.

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  1. Shamukk

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    Selling 7 year old account, joint highest level on the merger. Plenty of heroes due upgrades to diamond. Easy legendary hero collection on events as many already have them. 60k in gems worth of Flywheel Needles for your next legend or to upgrade Dunk to 5* for example. 46k star stones saved to be used on a hero of your choice. Plenty of gem/mat chests saved for next event. Many heroes due for meditation upgrade’s and red beastsoul upgrades. Many equipment upgrades available with shadow essence/crystals. 250 codex scraps available for your next hero codex upgrade. Plenty of heroes to max Fate Star, with lots of stones available to purchase Malachi fate stones. Core enhancement available for upgrading with Sky store mats currently only +2 green, and of course +10 cores across the board. there is potential for Latent Energy Hone upgrades available, although most of the main heroes are close to or have best honed stats available on my top 15.
    As you can see i currently have 5 heroes with 1x diamond meditation and one hero Dunkhild soon to be 2x diamond which will give a boost to that heroes main abilities. If one wanted to you could invest more into this feature and improve your chosen heroes even more.
    Currently sitting at top 15-20 in arena and top 20-25 in brawl consistently without any issues. Max level cap should be raised soon and in doing so you will receive a unique avatar frame for reaching max level before the next increase. Many many levels ahead of the majority of players due to logging in everyday and purchasing additional stamina over the last 7 years.
    Currently just bound to Facebook with a dummy account that is yours to do with as you please. Although i suggest you bind it to your own account. Game Centre, Google Play, Games, Apple ID and VK Account are all unbound. Looking for payment>account as soon as I receive the funds the account is yours forever i have no intrest in keeping the account or continuing to play this game as it is time for me to move on as i currently do not have the funds to maintain this game or to purchase more meta/bis heroes and would rather just quit.
    If you were to invest in 1-2 legends like Lystia/Sonix/Ophellia then the account would go from being top 20 to top 10. Everyday that goes by i continue to log and complete daily’s and purchase packs, passes, needles advance and upgrade heroes. The strength of the account grows each day and with a little investment can be one of the best accounts on the server due to the extremely great level difference.
    Price is currently not # but in a weeks time if no one offers then i will start to drop the price slowly until i can reach a sale.
    I have already dropped a few hundred off my original asking price and this is a first come first serve transaction so be hasty if your interested.
    I am quite desperate to sell my account but at the same time i don’t want to just give it away free either. I have personally invested around 50-60k into this account over the past 7 years. Thanks for your time, if i have missed anything or you need anymore information/screenshots then please feel free to message me.
    #1 Shamukk, 6/5/22
    Last edited: 6/12/22
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