Stats: E: 872 +44 S: 916 +46 ATK: 3009 +252 DEF: 1511 +91 Health: 446 +23 Stat +'s include top 5 Lt's and property bonuses Class Upgrades: Head Shot lvl 3 Concealed Shot lvl 3 Armor Piercing lvl 1 Invisible lvl 1 Killing Spree lvl 3 Sureshot lvl 2 Barricaded lvl 1 Ricochet lvl 2 Veteran lvl 8 Assassin is slightly built up as well.. If you have questions just ask. I was in a top empire for about 8 months and only getting 70 cc per EvE, which explains the lack of class upgrades. 169/212 Achievements All Jobs completed Lt's: 4* Sin 4* Duke 5* Alpha 7* Pain 3* Irina 2* Dragon Lord 2* Black Knight 2* Vanquish 5* Hotwire 4* Wraith (to level sniper) Those are the major ones.. I have many more.. Any questions, please ask. Income: $354,570/hour Almost all the new properties are lvl 6. $288mil in the bank Legendaries: Sins Rifle Dragon Fang T-Rexx Asking $1000 obo.. NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REJECTED!!! Please e-mail [email protected]