Hello guys, for 2 weeks i start play again DH as the first buyer of my account( Draculla_PH) bought a new account and sold me back my account, i tried to play but i dont have much time to play DH atm as i have other priorities in my life now, so hope ill find a good home for my account to keep it on top. This account is very good at both Tourny and GW, atm in tourny near rank 20 ( i was also rank 11 few days ago but also jump to near rank 30 so depend on how many ppl attack u and if u have any guildies then that i dont have atm ) and GW i hit rank 101 last GW with just 13 deliveries made as i only send 2-3 teams per 1-2 hours coz i dont have time to play DH, this account is very good to tank in GWs as u have like 4 very strong teams. So this account is full of 5 stars runes all lvl 6-8, like 4 dodge runes lvl 8, all Vigor 5* lvl 8 all etc, u can just check Tourny rank and u can see there all runes, + have more equiped on other cards thats not on tourny decks, u can also auto all trials stage without loosing. So thats acc details: Name : ady13 Android IGG server lvl 105 100.000 Tournament Points 260.000.000 gold 5000 ore Equips : skill Unholy Rites ( i think thats best skill u can get from equips ) and stats : Crit rate 42.80% , crit resist 20,38% , hit rate 17,81% , dodge 27% , Attack 76 , HP 423 , Skill potency 18,51%, Skill resist 25.36% , Heroes : -Warbringer lvl 5 ( with Protection , Mass charm ,Divine Shield Talents) -Oceanus lvl 7 ( Protection , Lightfoot 9 , Group Tactics) -Vile Songstres 4 and 22 shards ( Protection , mass charm ,Group Tactics) -Taskmistress 3 with 20 shards -Captivator lvl 7 with 42 shards -Warlock lvl7 with 184 shards ( Protection , Entrap 4 , Group Tactics) can be upgraded to lvl 8 -Armageddon lvl 4 with 49 shards ( protection , Deathless8 , Entrap 5) can be upgrade to lvl 5 -Hydra lvl 3 -Jundgement lvl 6 with 86 shards ( Protection , Lightfoot 9 , GroupTactics) can be up. to lvl 7 -Blademaster lvl 3 with 30 shards can be up to lvl 4 -Thor lvl 4 with 270 shards -Odin -Overlord lvl 5 with 55 shards - and all other 1-4 heroes , all heroes lvl 4 can be up to lvl 10 have 1500 + shards for each Cards - Tier 1 - i9 Venom Tyrant" , 7 Aquarius , i9 Sylvan with lvl 9 Bewitching melody , 70 Octavius Shards( next relic event u must get it ) Holy Shield 7 Soul Shrew( hes pretty tanky with that evo skill) also 43+15 shards for second Shrew , evolved Taurus with sac 8 and immu 10 meld expertize , Revive Kumiho , FB 10 Kitsune( 5 more shards for another kits) , Toxicity Criroptera , Holy Shield 1 Capricorn, assasinate 7 Saggitarius with i9 meld expertize and Scorpio. -Tier 2 - 3 paragons ( 1 i9 , 1 67% expertize for i9 ) , 6 Revives ( 2 mimir, 1 abbandon , 1 Mythril Drone , 1 pontif and 1 i mention before kumiho) , Alice , Tomb Raider , Night Slayer , i10 Arcane Knight + 1 more unmelded, i9 Sea Wizard , 4 Recycle ( 3 Horned Beast and 1 Killer Queen) , Cruse Killer queen , injured Killer queen, 2 Sac Anathema , Sneak 8 and 9 Anathema , i9 Angel Prime , FA mimir three , 5 Queen Temptress -Tier 3 - Lich Lord, Lord Bones , death angel 100% expertize instakill, easter bunny , 2 lilith , FA Yeti , Fairy Fencer , Dragonlord , Sneak Shinryu, Life Sap Angel Prime , i 9 Phantom Liege , Instakill Undying Will , Fa Bloodletter, BB 8 Bloodletter , FA Terror dragon, detonate Spirit Siren , Stoneskin Pit Dragon , i8 Gorgon , FA Nidhog , FA anathema , BB8 Ash Beast , D revive Titania , i7 Titania, Pheonix, Bewicher , FA wolveria + like 50 more 5 stars and alot of 4 star good melds like twins/grab etc. For any other details or offers contact me on Line ( ady1392 ) or skype b_ady13 , and please pm me with real offers, thanks.
forgot to mention Sweeping Blow rune lv 8 that u cant see on tourny decks also 100 Coupons for who cares and lvl 5 materials enought to craft 5 times Planetwalker armor/Staff with full yellow materials + more lvl 5 materials that u can craft other equips