selling lvl 1010 account message me for info/screenshots and make offer ! stats 740 energy 610 Max Stamina - Launch attacks 3221 attack 3470 defense 400 health
im sellling my castle age Facebook. account lvl 1010message me offer or for info/screenshots account stats lvl 1010 high king 740 energy 610 stamina 3221 attack 3470 defense 400 health Battle Rank 21 - High King" with 99,497 Battle Points. War Rank 11 Colonel" with 15,667 War Points. Conquest Rank 18 Duke Conquest Duel Points: 49234 Generals - Strider,Penelope,Dragan,Sophia,Aeris,Sano,Shino,Te rra,Morrigan,Elizabeth Lione,Vanquish,Elena,Zarevok,Titania,Mercedes,Lili th and Riku,Cid,Garlan,Dante,Edea,Araxis,Nautica,Artanis, Celesta,Crom,Ophelia, Serra Silverlight,Helena,Marina,Keira,Leon Ironhart,Angelica,Chase,Cartigan,Darius,Medius,Bar barus,Arielle,Hyperion,Solara,Xira,Karn the Minotaur,Sofira,Miri Bladebourne,Hyacinth,Jada,Delfina Cloudslayer,Deianira, Vincent,Sanna,Noktar,Elaida Zurran,Ameron,Seryliu,Maalvu,Sephora,Valiant,Syren ,Meekah,Persephone,Anya,Alexandria,Kilgore, Excelsior, Dexter the Drunk,Aesir, Vanir, Frost, Annika, Vanathan, Muse, Krystalia, Dawn, Katherine, Attilius Divine Items - Force of Nature, Divine Power: 80 x1 Juggernaut Medallion, Divine Power: 10 x1 Lionheart Seal, Divine Power: 10 x1 Moonfall Battlegear, Divine Power: 10 x1 Retribution Armor, Divine Power: 10 x1 Heart of the Woods, Divine Power: 120 x1 Helm of Arcane Energies, Divine Power: 120 x1 Armor of Redemption, Divine Power: 180 x1 Dexter the Drunk, Divine Power: 15 x1 Living Death, Divine Power: 140 x1 Keeper of Chaos, Divine Power: 180 x1 Items: Sword of redemtion plate of the ages soldiers bone helm ageis from ashes living death divine blast knights bone gauntlets Vermin Greaves and many many more Runes Level 50 attack - +245 attack Level 528defense - +135 Defence Level 66Damage - +260 Damage Level 22 health - +84 health x7176 attack essence x195 defence essence x24751 damage essence x275 health essence consumables Energy Potion x3 Stamina Potion x16 Aggressive Hero Potion x1 Gold - STORED:$11,858,451,496,442 INCOME:$1,144,025,000/hour UPKEEP:$1,142,744,570/hour CASH FLOW:$1,144,025,000/hour 31 favour points quest is on land of water