Selling Lvl 101 Account

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Esk, 10/28/17.

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  1. Esk

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    This acc have almost 6k Gems (will have over 60k Gems after 7 weeks by ALICE BOND), 300k money, 25k mine ores and over 300k of glory points(arena packs, 1,2 and 3 star Glorys and guild packs), is top 1000 on tournament and top 5 on Arena, i accept 350€ Euros or 400$ USD and this are the cards that i have:

    1 equipment have unholy Rites (30pct destroy lowest cost creature in the hand and duplicate 1 creature)
    Spirit Arbinder lvl 7, protection 9, Mass Charm and Lucidity
    Vile Songstress lvl 4, protection 3, Group Tactics, Divine Shield
    Judgment lvl 6 (36 shards)
    Captivator lvl 4 (33 shards)
    Hydra lvl 1 (5 shards)
    Odin lvl 3 (10 shards)
    Overlord lvl 1 (36 shards)

    40 Shards of Druidess
    81 shards of Oceanus
    93 shards of Blade Master
    74 Shards of Armegeddon
    89 shards of Thor

    Wight lvl 10
    Wight lvl 1 (319 shards)
    DeathMort lvl 3 (387 shards)
    Predator lvl 10
    Devil Hunter lvl 3 (843 shards)
    Berserker lvl 9 (591 shards)
    Paw Master lvl 9 (404 shards)
    Dragon Rider lvl 5 (688 shards)
    Royal Guard lvl 1 (836 shards)

    Best creatures
    lvl 15 Lord ALdritch wit soul Snatch 2
    lvl 15 Granite Dragon
    lvl 14 Granite Dragon
    lvl 15 Mythril Drone with REVIVE
    lvl 15 Mythril Drone
    lvl 15 Taurus (45pct Sacrifice 10)
    lvl 14 Soul Shrew (45pct Sacrifice 10)
    lvl 10 Aquarius x2
    lvl 15 Paragon (45pct Imunity 10)
    lvl 10 Flare Summer
    lvl 15 Angel Prime with Imunity 9
    lvl 14 Virgo
    lvl 10 Killer Queen

    lvl 15 Horned Beast With recycle 1 x2
    lvl 15 Queen Temtress With Retreat x3
    lvl 15 Harbinder With recycle 1
    lvl 15 Harbinder With Disposal x2
    lvl 15 Dullahan With Disposal
    lvl 15 Graboid With Sacrifice 10
    lvl 15 Graboid With Battleblow 8
    lvl 15 Graboid With Frost Armor
    lvl 15 Panther Chief With Frost Armor
    lvl 15 Flame Brave With Frost Armor
    lvl 15 Flame Brave
    lvl 15 Centaur Chief with Frost Armor
    lvl 15 Demoniac Templar
    lvl 15 The Twins with Sacrifice 8
    lvl 15 Michael With Imunity 9
    lvl 15 Michael With Frost Armor
    lvl 15 Royal Dragon With Frost Armor x2
    lvl 15 Oracle With Frost Armor x4
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