Multiple premiums m18 black cat,merkava mk 2.d sav 20.12.48. b1 ter lvt-4/40, somua SM, zrinyi I. Turan II, Kfir c.2 pyorrenmysky, Chinese m64 premium,Heavy tank no.6, beufighter mk 1 (40mm),su-11,t-126,is-6,bmp-2m,sd.kfz.234/1,MAUS.leopard 2 pl,m8 lac,AV-8A,bv 155 b-1 plus some others that are not listed this is a old guard account made in the beta of the game when it was air only and played off and on since then. has 1mil silver lions crews for every nations are maxed and has bushes unlocked Message for more info: Discord Why?#5994 wt - Imgur