Selling Lv 90 Ranger Account, Kronos Server

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling my Dragon's Prophet Account that I barely play on nowadays.

    Female Lv. 90 Ranger.
    Lv. 90 Blue Gear set w/ Accessories.
    DI Gear included that sets it to 50% DI.
    Pure Ferocity build with just a few points into Charisma.
    2 Mastery Sets unlocked. 1 for PvE and the other for PvP.

    Only thing worth noting on the account is the amount of dragons obtained.
    10-Slot Balge
    9 and 8-slot Hazul
    9-Slot Dark Flame
    Recursive Nightmare (but slot amount is horrid)
    4 level 40+ Dragons with most of its skills maxed.
    All Lair slots unlocked, both chamber pages unlocked.
    Alentia Dragon Knight title nearly complete, just need to obtain Fyonorr.

    If you wish to see more, I'll send some screenshots.
    Obviously it's not the best account but I suppose someone else could make it the best. I don't have time to play this game any longer.
    I've only put like $100 into the account and not asking for that much either. But pricing we can discuss over on skype. My skype is jemindraz. Add me whenever
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