Selling  Android and iOS  Average LV 85, Gloriville Server, 4.3k crystals

Discussion in 'Food Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Evie00, 4/30/19.

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  1. Evie00

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    Selling my account, will clean up when there is an interested buyer. You may offer and I will consider it first. I can send screenshots if you want a look at it, just ask.

    What it has (30/4/2019) :
    FS Collection 94/111
    Appearance Collection 127/267
    Restaurant Level : 14
    Highest Catacombs : 54
    Avatars : Cloud Tea avatar, Clown, Fondant Cake
    Frames : Top500 Showdown, Peach Dream (Sakura Frame), Cat Frame, Uke Mochi Frame, All Turkey event frames, Valentine Frame, Christmas 2018 Animated Frame.

    4344 Crystals, 3540 Embers, 720 Skin Coupons, 2 Spare Magic Inks

    Food Souls (to note)
    URs :
    5* B-52 (Married+Event Skin)
    4* Peking Duck (Married)
    3* Turkey (Married, Artifact Node 1 Unlocked) , Bamboo Rice, Foie Gras
    2* Boston Lobster, Butter Tea, Cloud Tea
    1* Pizza, Caviar, Apple Pie, Toso, Canele
    0* Maofeng Tea, Bibimbap, Milt, Buddha's Temptation
    107/80 Double Scoop Shards

    SRs :
    5* Sweet Tofu (Artifact Unlocked+Event Skin), Vodka, Mooncake, Tiramisu, Yuxiang, Black Tea, Salad, Yogurt, Hamburger, Mango Pudding
    Note-worthy 4* Steak (Married+Event Skin), Sanma
    Note-worthy 3* and below American Corn Bread (+Event Skin), Laba Congee, Eggnog (2 Nodes Unlocked), Gyoza, Bloody Mary, Donut, Beer.
    & More

    M-class (I have all current available M-classes):
    5* Rice, Skewer, Popcorn, Jello
    4* Pancake, Cheese, Pudding, Hawthorne Ball, Sandwich,
    3* Strawberry Daifuku
    1* Toast

    Fallen Angels (Note-worthy only)
    Aizen +10 Full gold ATK
    Tsuchi +10 Resolute full gold ATK speed
    Tsuchi +10 Resolute full gold ATK speed
    Tsuchi +10 Brave 3 Purple ATK + 1 Gold HP
    Orochi +9 Staunch full def
    Uke Mochi +8 Brave 3 gold ATK + 1 gold HP
    Orochi +8 Cautious full purple HP
    Uke Mochi (Enhanced) +7 Brave 3 purple + 1 gold ATK
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