Account sold to MrsSystem. Account information removed for more personal use. Thank you! I'm interested in a trade, already added and talked to you on msn. Bump! Selling this account for $15 paypal! Cheap price considering this account is worth over 100's. I will leave this offer up for until the end of this week, if no one takes it I will take zomgazn's offer over msn. Buy it now before it's gone!! I'll trade you a level 91 DG account with $25 in donors that you could easily resell for $20 :3 Originally Posted by killr541 I'll trade you a level 91 DG account with $25 in donors that you could easily resell for $20 :3 Sorry i dont play private servers. (Nor am i bothered to resell) Added on msn. we're talking now heres my acc Still up for sale! $15 is all i ask for. We will use an MM LOL! So he didn't buy it eh? Originally Posted by Icypwn LOL! So he didn't buy it eh? Lol nah, i think his one of those scammers. Im willing to MM my $100+ worth account and he wont put up $15 cause he thinks they are 'untrustworthy'. Anyway you interested? Originally Posted by MrsSystem I am interested, please reserve your account until we get on msn together since I believe we are different timezone. Account sold to MrsSystem. I will add feedback to your account tomorrow as I'm having trouble on my itouch! Thank you