Lv 65 Pvp Geared sorcerer - Tiamat Server - 390$ Description Selling 4 year old account! Pvp gear: full 60a 5/5 cloth set Fully socketed with a mix of lv50-60 composite MB/MA - MA/MB stones_____ Tiamat Wings____ Custodian Rings x 2 (lv65 abyss rings)______ Custodian Earring x 1 (lv65 abyss earrings)______ Bm Earrings x1______ Bm Neck______ Bm bandana________ Guardian commander sash_____ Guardian commander rings earrings and neck stored n warehouse! can de for ap back._______ Pve Gear: Enraged Hyperion Tunic / Leggings / Shoes / Gloves fully socketed MB and MA ancient stones (4/6) (still need Pauldrons)_____ GBG Pauldrons! fully socketed MB_____ Enraged Hyperion Neck, Ring, Earring (3/3)_____ Alchemy 500___ Tailor 449____ Handicraft 449____ 24, 18 and 12 Slot Pets and a nice mount CERAMIUM MEDALS x 19 with this account you will get (Original CD key! ( yes im the original owner ) And Security Questions and everything you need to change E-mail adress any questions? just send me a pm