Sold Lv. 55 Mid-End game account (sea) | 6 awakened SSR | 60 SSR| 1.6K Blck tick

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jasmin21, 1/21/22.

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  1. jasmin21

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    Selling my Endgame account
    (SEA) Server

    ✓ First owner
    ✓ Log in via Dummy gmail
    ✓ total of 60 SSR with duplicates
    ✓ 1.6k Black tickets (80 pulls)
    ✓ Plenty of Resources for upgrades
    ✓ 52M Credits

    SSR - Awakened
    [​IMG] LVL 110 - Hilde
    [​IMG] LVL 110 - Seo Yoon
    [​IMG] LVL 100 - Yoo Mina
    [​IMG] LVL 100 - Yuna Springfield
    [​IMG] LVL 1 - Replacer Queen
    [​IMG] LVL 75 - Lee Jisoo

    SSR w/ duplicate
    [​IMG] Xiao Lin
    [​IMG] Kyle Wong - x1
    [​IMG] Rosaria le Friede - x1
    [​IMG] Edel Meitner - x1
    [​IMG] Seo Yeon - x2
    [​IMG] Lee Yumi - x5
    [​IMG] Yang Harim
    [​IMG] Eins &...

    Read more
    #1 jasmin21, 1/21/22
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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