Selling Lv 121 DS Profile For Sale!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by danuel mathis, 5/25/16.

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  1. danuel mathis

    danuel mathis
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    I lost my code after a phone change a few months ago and finally found it. I just want some compensation for my investment so I'm starting asking at $250
    5*; Aurra 4/7
    Darth Maul 4/7 x2
    Nute base
    Darth Sid (SD) 4/7 sk40 (leader card, locked)
    Emp. Palp. Evo1 (locked)
    Darth Sid (RA) base (locked)
    Jango Fett 4/7
    Jango Fett (TOW) 4/7 sk40
    Dooku base
    Dooku 4/7
    Darth Vader 4/7 (locked)
    Darth Vader (CC) base (locked)
    Darth Vader (MOE) base
    Droideka 4/7 sk26 (locked)

    Notable 4*&3*; Mas Amedda 8/15 sk40
    BX Droid Commando 8/15 sk40
    DD-13 8/15 sk 40
    FX-6 8/15 sk40
    Aurra Sniper 8/15 sk40
    Zam 8/15 sk40
    Dooku emax but higher than 4/7 sk40
    SCP 8/15 sk40 (locked)
    CC Bly 8/15 sk40
    CC Bacara 8/15 sk40
    ERG 8/15 sk40
    Bib Majordomo 8/15 sk12
    Droideka 8/15 sk10
    Darth Sid 8/15 sk9
    GG 8/15 sk6, and many more base and event cards!

    Almost 4 mil in credits, 228 crystals, over 445 t-remotes, 265 card slots, 11 hangar slots, 31 lv5 vehicles, over 16k Ally points with 88 ally slots, over 930 Wupiupi coins, Platinum ticket (P,SS)x1, Diamond ticket (P,SS)x1, Gold Tix; TB (P,SS)x1, DB (SS)x1, SSx1, regular x1, Silver tix x95
    With so many locked cards on this account, I'm really not looking to piece meal it but, this is a great account to move to; stat reset available
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    Robert Montoya likes this.
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