28k rubies, 60k tokens, 200 mystic, 15.2M Medal. 40 XP boosts. 1.2K dragon boost EACH. 1.6K tower boost EACH. 650 Potions. 102 3H, 54 12H. 7 2K, 6 13K, 1 16K, 1 26K, 5 65K food packs for upcoming dragon feeding. Plat at Nosfer, Jagra, Necura. Divine: Plat Nighshade, Saphire Skarr, Garnet Tarrand and Snowdrop. Nightshade, Skarr and Snowdrop accummulated over 5M XP, ready for level UP. 4K Elemental, 16K Ice, 18K Fire. Will send you the email to reset password, this only work once so only you know the new password. Can not give you the email account because its my active one.