LS deck for sale...lots of 5* 4/7s

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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    After months of money spent and hardwork and fun put into this game I think it is time for me to hang up my cleats. I am new to the site but I am either looking to sell my entire deck or pieces of it. So whatever you are all interested in please PM me with any questions or offers. Prices are #

    Deck battle strength varies between 750,000 and 780,000...with skill boosts the game lists as my "Offensive Battle Strength Record as 924,317"

    All cards are proper 4/7 if listed as emax, I will include stats for the 5* to verify it

    5* eMax

    Ani TCO 4/7 13,340 Atk 13,412 Def $240

    Yoda EOD 4/7 9,975 15,543 $160

    Yoda EOD 4/7 9,975 15,543 $160

    Han 4/7 14,441 9,265 $150

    Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pad) 4/7 12,672 12,397 $100

    Jango 4/7 14,326 9,134 $100

    Old Luke 4/7 12,397 12,542 $80

    May4th Luke Locked to Acct

    5* Base

    GG $50

    Han $40

    Han $40

    Saber Yoda $35

    Old Chewy $30

    Emperor Palp (Old) Locked to acct

    4* eMax

    Jan Dodonna skill 37 $30

    Master Yoda skill 8 $20

    C-3PO skill 40 $25

    LS CC Bly skill 1 $15

    Obi Pad $5

    Chewy $5



    Ben kenobi

    Ben DS

    Jabba x2

    Slave Leia x 2

    Boba Locked to acct

    Luminarar x 3 (1 is locked to acct)

    CCC Ds


    evo 1 han in carb

    zuckuss x2

    Moff Locked to acct

    IG 88

    Magna Guard Locked to acct


    Bail Organa 4/7 skill 33 $35

    4/7 2-1B $15

    Bail basex2 skill 1 $10/each

    Luke ds emax

    Han DS emax

    And many other 3*s but none I use in formation

    Again everything is # please let me know what you feel about everything

    For the entire account I will take $1000, and if people begin to buy individual cards I will update it as it happens!

    Thanks guys and again I am new to this so please let me know if you need any more info or have suggestions to improve my post.

    Disclaimer: There is a small chance that the trade list is not be up-to-date as you read this. I reserve the right to withdraw cards from the list until a trade arrangement has been made. I also reserve the right to change the noted prices at any time (but you can trust on it that I will use common sense at all times).

    Any fees are for the buyer.




    Update: 5* base GG, Hanx2 and old chewy sold and some # rates listed below

    5* eMax

    Ani TCO 4/7 13,340 Atk 13,412 Def $240--> 225

    Yoda EOD 4/7 9,975 15,543 $160-->145

    Yoda EOD 4/7 9,975 15,543 $160-->145

    Han 4/7 14,441 9,265 $150-->135

    Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pad) 4/7 12,672 12,397 $100--> 85

    Jango 4/7 14,326 9,134 $100--> 85

    Old Luke 4/7 12,397 12,542 $80--> 50

    May4th Luke Locked to Acct

    5* Base

    Saber Yoda $35-->25

    4* eMax

    Jan Dodonna skill 37 $30-->25

    Master Yoda skill 8 $20-->15

    C-3PO skill 40 $25-->20

    LS CC Bly skill 1 $15-->10

    Obi Pad $5

    Chewy $5--->Obi+Chewy 4/7--->$6


    Bail Organa 4/7 skill 33 $35-->25

    4/7 2-1B $15-->10

    Bail basex2 skill 1 $10/each--->10 for both

    Have the entire account for only.... $750

    Please PM or comment below about anything, everything is # just send me a message and we can work something out!

    Bly and yoda saber base have been sold

    I have obtained the following:

    Base 5* Han--35$

    Base jabba--> $15

    Let me know if interested in anything everything is # thanks!

    PM sent...

    Im interested in your Ani TCO. PM me to work out a deal. Thanks
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