This game is taking up to much of my time. So i have decided to sell my account. Its a light side account lvl 72 106 ep 307 formation points base battle strenght 751719 boost to 820000 6.2 million creadits 1150 crystals Remotes 232 5* cards all proper 4/7 Saber yoda evo max obi pad x2 evo max Qui-gon evo max Jar Jar evo max Padme senator at war evo max Old Chewy evo max (Locked) Han Solo evo max Luke may 4th evo max (Locked) 4* cards all proper 4/7 Cc Bly evo max Leia Endor celebration evo max Chewy evo max Tarfful evo max Lando evo max Jan Dodonna evo max General Rieekan evo max 3* 2-1b x2 evo max Have other 4* and 3*cards i just listed my formation i paid over $700 getting these cards but i realize i will not get all my money back so i asking $425 dollars paypal only you can pm through here or on touch chat at Benji Pon .; pm sent