Gear Information: Infinity Shard HP Set: Enraged combo (HP + 100 Manastoned with some Healing Boost) Can get 16K+ HP totally buffed. No Godstone on Mace. Bastion shield filled with Healing Boost +3, Varshati Mythic wings and helm, complete set of Hyperion Jewels + Sauro Commander Belt. Skin dyed: white. Infinity Shard Magic Boost Set: Incensed combo (Magic Boost 27 and 30+ Ancient manastoned) Can get 3.600 Magic Boost totally buffed. Incensed Staff + Illuminary Obelisk Staff combined. Earth damage Fabled Godstone. Same wings, helm and jewels from HP Set. Blue skin. Resplendent Magic Resist Set: Army 2 Abyss Set combo (Magic Resist +16 Manastoned) Can get 2.800 Magic Resist totally buffed. Enraged Hyperion Mace with Ancient Manastones Magic Resist +20 and Blue Paralyze Godstone. Resplendent Shield and Sunayaka Hairpin. Beritra Abyss skin. Resplendent Magic Boost Set: Army 2 Abyss Set combo (Magic Boost +27 with some Block composites) Can get 3.400 Magic Boost totally buffed. Danuar Reliquary Staff + Resplendent Staff combined. Blue Paralyze Godstone. Army 4 mythic wings, Army 4 complete set of abyss jewels (just the tempered ones showing in the image above). Gray skin. More sets: Full Eternal Bastion Set filled with Magic Boost (Mace with HP +100/# Staff), Resplendent Mace with Block, Kunax full set with Staff and Mace, Remodeled Set (From Ancient Coin) with HP, Some Mythic random parts from OCC Rentus, random Custodian (Rank 1 Set) parts, a Sauro Commander Mythic shield with Block, Danuar Reliquary shield with HP, Eternal Bastion Leather and Chain helms, and helms from Danuar Reliquary and Illuminary Obelisk. Abyss Information: Glory Points: 200.000+ Abyss Points: 3.200.000+ Total kills: 38.000+ Ceramium Medal: 1850+ Other Informations: Essencetapping Master and Armorsmithing Master (Expert Aethertapping and Amateur Alchemy) Dragon Set MotionAirspike MountSome untreadable Godstones Dramata Wings Infinity Shard Chest and Hand Laurel (For purify Infinity Shard Sets) Abyss food (bought with AP) and some relics on inventory) 1 Conditioning Stone and 1 Augment Stone (from Eternal Bastion). Price: U$ 350 (Accepting Paypal) Contact: Email: [email protected]