Selling  Average  Android and iOS  Average Love Nikki Account | Lvl 65 | V7 | 150 ONLY from 300 ORIGINAL VALUE

Discussion in 'Love Nikki Dress UP Queen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ellarusso, 7/14/21.

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  1. ellarusso

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    Hi! I'm selling my old LN account that hasn't been touched for over 2 years~

    It has been bounded to an empty Facebook. Account that I will also give it to you for free since you need it to enter the account. Feel free to change the username and password of it too since it reflects on the LN account!

    I am willing to half the price to $150 since I did skip many new events because I haven't played for a long time. But I did complete many other sets which required a lot of time and patience. Screenshot_20210714-173729_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173501_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173356_Love Nikki.jpg


    Username: Sera

    Lvl: 65

    VIP: 7

    Money Spent: $300

    20210714_174735.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173038_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173028_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173015_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-172943_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-172933_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173223_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173200_Love Nikki.jpg Screenshot_20210714-173212_Love Nikki.jpg

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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