Sold Lost Ark ( [EUC | Neria] 1415 Sorc + 3x T3 and x2 T2 ) + Steam account (140+ games)

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by /u/Zheeroo, 5/23/22.

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  1. /u/Zheeroo

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    Hello, i'm still playing Lost Ark, just did Valtan G1 and doing G2 if no one buys it before the reset. Selling this with my main steam account with 144+ games (+dlc) and more than 3500h (1/4 are for Lost Ark, more details below).

    Lost Ark:

    Main: 1415 Sorc LV56 1/2
    Alt 1: 1346 Bard
    Alt 2: 1340 Artillerist
    Alt 3: 1325 Deadeye
    Alt 4: 876 Soulfist
    Alt 5: 600 Berserker

    played non stop till today 6-12h/day, a lot of time passed to do horizontal content and my main is up to do all the latest content, just destroyed Valtan G1. Adventure tome's dones till Arthetine for rapport and till Yorn for 100% on the rest (almost done all mokokos). Done some PVP till Ultra 9. Aura active till 11/6/2022.

    Some more info about my steam account that you will own related to my Lost Ark account:
    - Estimated Value: 2059.54$ as 23/05/2022
    - 12 years old account, LV16
    - More than 144 Games (+DLC), some of the most famous: AoE II-III, Arma 3, Dark Soul II, Dayz, Elite Dangerous (+DLC), Fallout 4, FFXIII, MH World, Killing Floor 2, Metro and more..
    - Games with a lot of progress: Lost Ark (details up), New World (played the first 2 months full, reached end game), Apex (60h and all prime chest redeemed), Elite Dangerous + DLC (120h, should be around the end game, if i remember correctly, i had a python), MH World (100h finished the first release without dlc), TF2 (100h lot of achievements), War Thunder (120h, brit airplanes way ahead), Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel (105h, various # decks, played since launch)
    - VAC ban taken 4482 days ago on COD MW2 for having a private lobby with friends with megajumps when i was 14 lol, didnt affected me on anything else for now, just cannot play MW2

    I can share more info and details on request , send me you Discord/Telegram or whatever

    # #/Zheeroo
    # .
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