Selling  End Game Account  Android and iOS  High End Losan K'Leth 30 Sacreds Acrizia-Archer Wallmaster-Mikage 17.7M End Game Teox

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by WellinScoult, 1/16/25.

  1. WellinScoult

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    Get your shard pulling fix!
    CURRENT SHARD COUNT: 1/ Ancient - 159 Void - 11 Primal - 4 Sacred - 30
    Chimera - 1.3B in full auto. Much more potential here. Just been going full auto. Clan boss - All levels 1 key easily. Hydra after the 1000 turn limit change - NM 333+M Average Full Auto - Brutal 300-330M Average Full Auto - Hard - 150-200M Average Full Auto - All teams could probably get more if I manually ran them. I just dont have that time. Doom Tower - Full auto all clears very easy. Cursed City - 290/500 for Carnage. Clear most of the map on hard but not all stages on top portion. 1 or 2 rotations of Hard Amius is easy. Spider 10 Hard - 16 second run 100% Siege Mode/Lamasu - This is clan oriented, but my clan won 8 out of 9 sieges and I am at 59/100 fragments for Authoratrix Lamasu Live Arena - Never ever have the time for this, but I unlocked some stuff for Hydra. Could easily climb into Gold if you have the time. Arena - Very fast speed farm team with Teox/Sulfuryion combo. Blazes through most teams even with Stone Skin. Avoid Tormin and Marichka as they are hard counters to this speed team I have. Shogun - Level 25 Sand Devil - Level 25 Now for the good stuff - The Champions
    2 Mythicals: Mikage Galleus Bloodcrest
    144 Legendaries: (15 Void Legendary) Acrizia (We all know this lady) Legate Teox (BEST Faction Unity Champ - Absolutely insane) Sulfuryion (Pairs amazing with Teox) R. Nergigante Archer (RARE Beast Hunter Champ) Gnut (RARE Fire Knight Skin) Nekmo Thar Jingwon Varl the Destroyer Kantra (6* Blessing) Lady Kimi x2 (6* Blessing) Arbiter (5*) Eostrid (5*) Thor (5*) Wallmaster Othorion (5* Blessing) Armanz (5*) Yncensa Grail-Bearer Sun Wukong (5*) Ninja Michinaki x2 Teodor Kymar Pythion x2 Rotos Helicath x2 SOO MANY MORE
    332 Epics: Seer (6* Blessing) Oboro (5* Blessing. Beast of a champ. 175k Power) Godseeker x2 (1 has 6* Blessing)
    Tons of food champions - Tons of 4* max level rares ready to become 5* chickens

    THANKS for view
    contact DC: beikharys
    GMAIL: [email protected]
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