Selling my account on THE LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE spend over 25000hours in game 18 alts 140lvl hunter-elf 140lvl captain-man 140lvl warden-elf 140lvl guardian-dwarf 140lvl loremaster-man 140lvl burglar-man 140lvl champion-man 140lvl runekeeper-elf 130lvl hunter-high elf 131lvl minstrel-elf 130lvl warden-high elf 121lvl beoring 120lvl loremaster-high elf -women rest of alts is beetwen 10-75lvl crafters all guild maxed some of them more that alts is on evernight europian server olso have warden133lvl on laurelin rp server few small alts beetween 10 - 35 lvl Olso all maps expansion have and 1700LP with account i give all resorce food scrolls all crafting materials. contant on discord nik#4747 PRICE: MAKING DEAL