Sold Looking: Trustworthy partner who understand Sil.Exploits, read here.

Discussion in 'Rust Account for Sale - Buy Rust Accounts' started by Hack Forums -, 2/20/19.

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  1. Hack Forums -

    Hack Forums -
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    I've got a bit of a lucrative job. I'm going to need someone who can

    1.) Understand and execute silent exploits (bypassing windefender windows 10, any other popups that would result)
    2.) I already have a way for them to open that so that part is easy. no need to figure out social engineering pieces. that's all me.
    3) Need someone that we can test this with, get a Rat in.

    (As far as my side, i'll be doing full social engineering. I already have information on both vics.. we can talk about that more in dm)

    This job is a wham, bam, thank you ma'am kind of job.
    Trustworthy and serious people who understand Silent Exploiting via windows computers, please DM me and let's work together.

    More information Dm me.

    Thanks! $$$
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