Looking to trade my Platinum 1 League of Legends account for an Infestation account

Discussion in 'Infestation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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    Hello, I am looking to trade my League of Legends Platinum 1 account for a decent Infestation account.

    The account is a smurf so it doesnt have much:

    Platinum 1 ranking now but no S3 rewards.

    20 champions and 3 skins.

    2 full runepages (AD/AP).

    Currently low LP Plat 1 but can get it to Diamond if you wish.

    Decent ISS account:

    I dont care much about REP so that doesnt really matter.

    LOOT/ITEMS are important, a few snipers, 50-100 stanags and AR's and other basic PvP stuff.

    pm me/comment in this thread or tell me your skype name so we can discuss if you have an account you're wishing to trade

    add my skype VitalBros
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