Sold Looking to Purchase a Stacked Account on NA Server - Read Description

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by Sheep_In_Space, 5/22/22.

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  1. Sheep_In_Space

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    Things I'm looking for:
    - Decent Stats. I would say at least 55% win rate would be nice. However, this isn't a must since most only care about 30 day stats anyways.
    - Good amount of gold in the account would be nice. At least 2500 so I can change the username.
    - Large amount of credits, 10-20 Million or more.
    - Large amount of free xp, 400-500k or more.
    - Large number of GOOD premium/collector tanks anywhere between tier 8-10 (Good meaning tanks that most players like. E.g. Progetto 46, Skorpion G, Su130 PM, Concept 1B, T22 Medium, etc.)
    - Large portion of tech tree researched, I would say at least 10-12 tech tree tier 10s or more would be nice.

    As long as your account comes close to the criteria that I mentioned above, please contact me and I'll take a look at it and consider. I'm not too picky since it seems that not many accounts on the NA server are for sale right now.

    Out of the 6 points in the criteria I would say the bottom 4 are the most important. Good stats and some gold in the account would just be a bonus.

    Obviously the better your account, the more I'd be willing to pay.

    You can send me a DM on here to get in contact with me, but I'd prefer:

    Discord: _Jon_16#4130
    Email: [email protected]

    Unless stated otherwise I'm still searching for an account so don't ever hesitate to shoot me a message!

    Method of payment would be PayPal and PlayerUp MiddleMan is a must for the safety of both parties.

    Cheers and thanks for reading!
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