Sold Looking to do business on and/or off the forum with serious partner

Discussion in 'All Other Game Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Hack Forums -, 12/20/19.

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  1. Hack Forums -

    Hack Forums -
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    I'm looking to do either business onsite, or off site.
    Preference for off site business would would be ecommerce since I run a couple projects and I think I could drive sales very efficiently.

    What I will bring to the table and what are my skills:
    -I'm a pretty decent web developer (html, css, vanilla js, sql/nosql, nodejs, php, react, gatsby, currently learning solidity)
    -I'm familiar with crypto, blockchain technology, investing
    -I have experience with ecommerce and sales.
    -I have money to invest
    -If doing business onsite, I'm a ub3r, and I'm upgraded and have good rep on other forums too.

    What I want to know from you:
    -Your skillset
    -Your past experience
    -If you have money to invest


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