Looking for winged sin/winged wyrms. I trade mostly, but I will accept ep. I have: Crimson lion guardian+ Loid of Void+/regx3 Beelzebub+/regx2 Hell playerup.com Mantis+ Uncouth Child+ Lord of Massacre+ Ladon x2 Time Void Golem x2 Parasitic Centipede Hell Hammer Spider x2 Elf Commander Catoplebas Lost Woods Leshy Devil Ripper Aspidochelone Jade Rhino Beetle White Winged Oracle Blood Blob Evilmoth Swelling Blob (Sin ally invite) Slaughter Bee Queen Scorn Black Wings Great Horned Warrior Platinum Golem+ Up Party Attack (3 stack), 1 x2 Slumbering Breath (3 stack x2), 1 x1 Preemp Strike x1