Buying  Android and iOS  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Looking for Unlinked Dragon Ball Legends Accounts!

Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell DB Account' started by Midsommar, 10/19/24.

  1. Midsommar

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    Hello, if you want to sell your Dragon Ball Legends account that still has the data transfer settings mission available then this is your chance! I mostly buy endgame accounts with multiple summonable ultras, LFs, and a good amount of zenkai but if the account is fresh or semi-fresh but still has many good units I can take it into consideration. If you want to check if the mission is on your account, go to missions, z-missions, and then it should be around the top of the list. If you don't see it, the account is linked and I am not interested.

    Be prepared to send the account first or not deal at all, payment will be made via PayPal.

    It doesn't matter when you see this, I am always buying accounts.

    Data Transfer Settings Mission.PNG
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