Looking for someone with a Groupon Merchant Account UK/US/CA

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by pandoraa, 12/24/16.

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  1. pandoraa

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    I have a selection of products that are unique, and cannot be found on Groupon.

    The closest I can find to what I have sold 10,000+ @ just under £10/go. - That's for one variant.

    I have over 200 unique variants, that can be put on there right away ready for sale.

    I used to sell these products using Facebook. ads, and did a little over $100k in a few weeks with these products.
    Facebook. then limited the custom audience feature and that day it died for me. This was around 2 years ago, and ever since then i have been looking for ways to get them back up and running but there simply isn't a work around for the ads.

    Groupons platform has enough traffic to not need ads, and their re-targeting is ruthless. So that should suffice.

    I have tried a few times to sign up to become a Groupon merchant, but fail to get a response - Which is why I'm now reaching out for help.

    It's not counterfeit, fake, or blackhat. I just simply don't have the targeting features i need anymore to do it myself.

    If you've been selling on Groupon, get in touch. Or if you want to sell the account, I'll happily buy.

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