Sold Looking for sellers / storeowners

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Monjilo420, 12/23/24 at 5:30 AM.

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  1. /u/Monjilo420

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    Hi guys

    i am looking for sellers / storeowners who are selling league accounts

    i have a disc server full of +200 members who does boosting - deranking - levelling -cashflowing etc

    we deliver quality / good winrates / etc

    looking to collaborate with a seller for the next season, i can provide you ranks on your fresh accounts / derank them / make them ranked ready, i also have a cheap price list!

    disc: syndrome232

    i'll make sure to send u my server if u are a seller!

    i have many top sellers in.

    # #/Monjilo420
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