Selling Looking for Photoshop kings ! for website's

Discussion in 'Graphics - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/29/15.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hello, im starting a webdesign site and looking for freelancers that can work with photoshop.

    Can you work with Photoshop and know how to make templates banners etc etc, Send me a pm so we can have a better talk im not looking for ppl that copy from other website's im looking for good photoshoppers that wanne earn some extra cash on a longer term but the point is im looking for freelancers that can take a job when i have a customer we can talk more in to details when you can show me that you can photoshop pm me !!

    Do know im starting a new company so in the start we might do some free work to get feedback

    Payments can be arround 100/300 euro each template Depends on what kind of customer i bring in and what there demands are.

    I have personal contact with my customers so you only will get a job when i find a customer in my country.

    Just hit me up with a pm so we can have a better talk i wrote this down fast becouse im add work atm :P



    Looking for photoshop kings !!

    Earn extra cash and grow bigger with me [​IMG]

    Im looking for ppl that can listen and then bring it in details !! Becouse customers are kings 2 [​IMG]


    Hit me up [​IMG]

    contact me on aim please

    can show u some of my work that i have done

    aim is on but not at desk, will be on in a few
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